Wednesday, 9 May 2012

best of @melbourneninja


@braingarbage With abusive, slandering, stalking, ignorant & misinformed "friends" like u, Mr #Assange doesn't need any enemies! #StopHating
@braingarbage Stunning arrogance & ignorance. If u think #WikiLeaks is "dedicated to so much injustice and cruelty" then DON'T SUPPORT IT!!!
@braingarbage You are ignorant+misinformed. The only person attacking anyone is YOU. Stop slandering #Assange & stop abusing his supporters!
@gerge42 @braingarbage I've never seen "WL attacks on women". If there were "WL attacks on women", this'd be irrelevant to an ESPIONAGE case
@braingarbage #Assange never commented on the women. YOU conflate Assange w/ people even remotely connected to him & then attack Assange!
@braingarbage Your #Assange spamming implies that women are weak/inferior & need to be shielded from criticism. This is morally repugnant!
@braingarbage Show me examples of "misogyny". You fundamentally misunderstand people & then attack them using straw man arguments.
@braingarbage You slander/attack Mr #Assange & stalk/harass/abuse his supporters 24/7, then claim you are concerned about him?! Puh-leeze!
@braingarbage Show me where I "abused" you. Show me where #WikiLeaks engaged in "nazi & antifeminist rants". The abusive slanderer is YOU!!!
@braingarbage Show me where I "attacked humans based on gender". How do you even know what my gender is?! Your arrogance is staggering!
@braingarbage Your rants are more garbage than brain. Why don't YOU stop attacking #Assange? Why don't YOU stop attacking his supporters?
@braingarbage That you can't distinguish gender equality/abusive radical ideology or legal defence/"attacking accusers" speaks volumes.

1 comment:

  1. what's a little cyber-bullying among friends?
    does it make one tougher???

    in some cultures, abuse of women, is thought to steel them against the cruelty to come.
    let us not fall prey to retrogression.

    what's a little cyber-bullying among friends?
    what is it? lethal? fair? affectionate? stockholm syndrome?

    who cyber-bullies for wikileaks?
    i think there might be an anarchsit line somewhere, where in a post ethical landscape, the average anarchist wikileaks supporter, will fail to abuse the other average wikileaks supporter.

    in a perfect world.
    until then, diviseness, and unfair attacks upon women, feminists, etc, rules the game.

    so braingarbage via wikileaks ninjas, does hereby denounce the wikileaks haters and encourage a more loving wikileaks scene. more peaceful, awesome, warm, supportive.

    there is no reason to hate on the feminists or the swedes.
    no such way.
    hate, even ten minutes worth, is never it.
    it's got to stop, and the homophobia john pilger. homophobia is never the way to express your pro-wikileaks stance. there is a better way.
    a way out of guantanamo, that doesn't throw gita sahgal under the amnesty for misogyny peace train, muttering satanic women's rights.
    eat it witches.

    "the enemy is within. don't confuse me with him" ---stupidity tries, elliott smith
